Friday, October 28, 2011

More Kalmar Union War Knights

Sorry for not posting to much mych at work and at home...

I have continued to paint Knights for my Kalmar Union War Project, Here are a small unit under Command of Arvid Birgersson of the House of Trolle.


  1. Lovely paint job on those figures, are they foundry?

  2. Thanks !

    The minia are from the left in picture one...
    Perry, Foundry, Perry, Perry, Games Workshop and Foundry or Perry not realy sure...

    The Perry minis are from the WOTR and HYW ranges. The Games Workshop mini are from the Dogs of War range.

    I have mixed horses from several ranges so them I´m not sure of...

    Best regards Dalauppror

  3. Excellent figures and interesting headless banner- tell us more...

  4. It's allways a good paint job, I wonder how you do to paint such flags, they look as painted on tissues.

  5. Mixed always looks better like you have done here..Too many of the same make makes the stands look too simple and with little variation. Nice work

  6. Beautiful painting and excellent flags too, what is the figure on the flag?? A headless devil??

  7. Very very nice painting. Really like the flag.

  8. Thanks !!!!!!

    The flag are for the House of Trolle, like in Troll ;)

    "The family name comes from the family coat of arms that depicts a headless troll. According to tradition, the family had taken these arms on the basis of a legend that a common ancestor must have killed a troll and robbed a drinking horn, which was called VĂ„xtorpshornet el."

    About how I make my flaggs...check my small tutorial here:

    Best regards Dalauppror


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