Friday, December 31, 2010

Woodland Indians #3

Happy New Year !
and here are the 3rd group of my Woodland Indians, one to go...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Woodland Indians #2

I hope you all have had a nice christmas. I have managed to continue to paint some more Woodland Indians. All minis are from Perrys AWI range.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas !

Merry Christmas to you all !

I haven´t got any fancy Christmas minis...the immidiate christmas/winter minis I gott was some of my 28mm Chechnyan rebells with snow on the bases...not realy Santa but at least some of them got beard and snow around their feets ;)

Santa Claus ???


Even more elfs...

Looking for Santas Reindeers...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Woodland Indians

I started to paint the Chieftain and 2 bases of warriors...I hope you like them...they was realy fun to paint, and there will be 6 more bases during next week...I hope...

Woodland Indians for AWI

After 40 days and Nights with my Later Spanish TYW army and some othe interludes I´m back to my AWI project for a while. I got some Perry Woodland Indians that I have to paint for my Invasion of canada scenarios...and here are some pictures of the first painted one...the Big Chieftain...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Battle at Neva 1240

I got a questions from Bishop Lord , that are planing a 10mm Medieval Scandinavian army, about reference information. I thougth I shoud share my answer with you all and hopefuly inspire some one more to start up a medieval scandinavian project:) 

 I have had some Idea about making a 15mm Early Medeval Swedish army, using all my vikings, Focus around the Swedish crusade to Balticum in 1240 and the Battle at Neva. The Battle at Neva was fought between the Swedish Crusading force (including Bishop Thomas of Finland) under command of Birger Jarl (might be Birger Jarl? At least in my version) and The Russians under command of the Novgorod Prince Alexander Yaroslavich (to become Alexander Nevsky after this victory. Read more here 

The minis Bishop Lord are planning to use are very nice 10mm minis from TB Lines I think they seems perfect for this as they both have the Western medieval minis to use as Swedes and a Range with Eastern European minis for Novgorodians, could not be better:) I can´t much about the Russians but there is a beta army list of the Early Russians for Impetus… But leave out the German Knights if you play the Battle at Neva... 

About the Swedish army I can tell you a little… By this time the Swedish army was composed of Some Noblemen and their Hird( the only pro soldiers in the army), they was probably mounted i.e knights, I should mix the full armoured knights with a lot of less armoured ones, Probably not more than 2 units, like 1 for Birger Jarl and one for the Bishop Thomas. 

The Infantry was the Swedish Ledunge, freemen that was oblige to serve for the King/Jarl some time every year. They probably still fought in Shieldwall formation and in quite out dated equipment (round shield was still often used) mixed with the latest (if you can get hold of some Viking and Norman minis mix them in), and led by some dismounted noblemen… 

So I would use the ordinary infantry mixed up with some dismounted knights and some peasants and vikings. Alsoe mix in one or two bow/x-bow men in the back of the units. As Finish Auxiliary units I would use the Russian peasant minis and mix in one or two bow armed minis. Lastly I would make some skirmish units…one with Bow and One with X-Bow…most of the missile armed men fought in the back of the Shieldwall. 

There are not many books in English about Sweden in this period but Ospery have 1 that you need? And one that you might need… 

 Osprey - Men At Arms 436 The Scandinavian Baltic Crusades 1100-1500  

Osprey - Men At Arms 396 Medieval Scandinavian Armies (1) 1100-1300  

Both books have the Swedish David Lindholm as authour he are a MA of University of Lund in Sweden where he studied medieval archaeology, history and ethnology. He is also a specialist of medieval weaponry and warfare, and I think he have made a good work with these books. As there are no army list for the Swedish army I have put together one for Impetus based on my opinions and knowledge in the subject… I´m not sure about all the stats, Specialy the Finish units, have to be playtested first...  

Monday, December 13, 2010

New Project !

After the Later Spanish TYW project I have decided to start up 2 Impetus armys in 28mm mainly using the Perry WOTR plastic minis...

As I´m from Sweden I will make me a "Rebell" Swedish and a Union/Danish army dated 1463-1471 that was a realy turbulent time in the Swedish history, much like the WOTR.

Sweden had several noble Houses that was fighting for personel power, for and against the Kalmar Union...many using nationalist propaganda to cause dissatiatisfaction amongst the Allmoge to gain there needed support.

I have painted up a test base of some Swedish Allmoge... They was all freemen working as Farmers, Yeomen, Mainers, Craftsmen etc. Thanks to the many Rebellions during the last 30 years they had become a Powerfull factor that no Noblemen could overlook if they wanted to retain there power and wealth.

The Allmoge troops prefered to fight in quite dense terrein, luring their opponents in to Ambushes. They were unusually well equipped and effective for non-professional medieval infantry and fought in mixed formations of men with polearms and crossbowmen/bows. The numbers of polearms and crossbows/bows in the formation seems to have been roughly equal with 2-3 ranks of crossbow-/bowmen and 2-3 ranks of polearms.

I don´t realy like the classing in Extra Impetus 3 (Spliting them in 2 groups)I would have rather classed them as FL with a Crossbow B capability and a option to make Large Units...more about that later then I have had the possibility to make some playtesting:)

Thes minis are some Perry Plastic and some old metel ones from Essex and Foundry. I wanted to make the mixed look, thats why there are both men armed with polearms, crossbows and bows. The Base are 12x6cm

The flag are the from the Swedish provins of Västmanland.

The fense are a typical Swedish called Gärsgård in Swedish:)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


During the summer of 2009 I started a 20mm Vietnam project...I managed to bulid some terrain and paint some US Marines...that was ruined by my varnish...I repainted them and run out of inspiration:( BUT last week stumbled over the minis and during the last week I have painted some VC´s, civilians and a Huey...

So now I hope that my friends want to try them out...and here are some pictures...

Working in the pady fields


Suspected VC?

Shot down US pilot, waiting for rescue...

Vietnamese village... no suspisious enemy activity...

The Ride of the Valkyries...

Huey, Bell UH-1 Iroquois

The Slicks are on there way to rescue the Pilote...

The LZ are visible...going in for drop off...


The LZ are secure...

...or not...

Enemy contact !!! Call for fire support !!!

Fire Fight ! But the US reinforcements are near by...

A US Marine recon patrol advance in to support...

US Marines saves the day... Oo-rah !!!

Will they ever manage to rescue the Pilot still wadeing in the pady field? How will they ever defeat the growing force of VCs that are joining the battle? and are they ever going to get fire support? many question that still are unanswered... more to come... I hope:)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Imperial Spanish TYW army

I managed to take some army pictures of my Imperial Spanish TYW army during this weekend. Now I will finish some other project that have been waiting...I hope to have some pictures of thet by the end of the week...