Thought it was time to try out the Oathmark fantasy rules by Joseph McCullough and published by Osprey.
Have been painting some minis for the game to, 60 Goblins that I got from my friend Matz and 20 Elfs that iI built frpm Perry WotR minis, gave them long hair made by green stuff and some fethers and old GW bits. All minis are based 5minis to a 50x40mm base.
The first outing was just a small game, with max 550 points on each side, to get a feel for the rules.
Elf Army 540 points
- 1x Elf Spellcaster, Level 1 with the Trueflight spell (cast on friendly archers and they shoot better)
- 2x10 Elf Archers
Goblin Army 530 points
- 3x10 Goblin Spearmen
- 2x10 Goblin Archers
My initial thought was that the Elfs would have an easy victory as they shoot good and longeras well as they activate much easier, BUT even so the 2 Goblin archer units managed to kill one unit of Elf archers as well as the Spellcaster (you should not leave them infront of your othher units and especially not send them on solo heroic attack missions...) and the Goblin Spearmens took care of ther remaining Elf archer unit...
Was a nice test game to get a propper fell of the basic mecanisms in the rules, worked fine and will be more games but have to add some more units and different races, have Dwarfs and Humans on the painting table.
Below some more pictures of the minis and from the game.