This time we were 3 players so we decided to try out the Feast of Crows scenario...
After the last battle Duc Willhelm and he´s ravaging Normans decided to retreat to Welsh territory... of course Earl Leofric could not let that happen, so he ruched to the poor Welshmens aid...
At the same time Jarl Eirik had decided to go for a strandhugg in the west...
Jarl Eirik had left most of he´s Hirdmen home except for the berserkers, the rests of he´s force was 3 groupes of Bondis that was eager to proven them selfs in battle...
Earl Leofric deployed 2 units of Cerols in the front hiding himself and he´s Houscarls in the back...
And Duc Willhelm brought most of he´s remaining Knights to the battlefield supported by a unit of sergeants to cover the flank against the approching vikings...
Jarl Eirik was disappointed as no one apperantly wanted to play with he´s warband... He made a cautious advance...not very viking but he didn´t want to get the Norman Sergeantes in the side...
Earl Leofric and Duc Willhelm started to move against eachother...
The Anglo-danes and the Normans started to fight it out on the other side of the forest...
Jarl Eirik was still slightly intimidated by the Norman Sergeants...not like him at all...
Continuous combat on the other side of the forest...
As the Norman Sergeants retreated Jarl Eirik ordered he´s warband to attack the Anglo-Danes in the side, but they was caught up by the forest and Anglo-Danish intimidation...
But some how the Berserkers was left behind... they might have mixed the toadstool with mead... not a good combination as you get lazy and tired instead of agressive and crazy...
AT LAST ! Jarl Eirik had managed to get hi´s warband in to combat with some Anglo-danes hiding in the forest...
BUT it was to late all the fun had already take place on the other side of the forest...not much to do as the Anglo-Danes claimed victory...
The Welsh territory was now under Anglo-Danish rule...