Thursday, December 31, 2015

Swedish war ship and a Happy New Year to you all

Happy New Year !!!

Last blog post for this year and its a bunch of pictures of the Swedish War Ship I painted for the Pikeman´s Lament rules. I will  have it as a backdrop scenarey or have as an scenario objective or...maybe some sort of ship battle scenario, Dan and I will add rules for that after publication so no ship rules in the finished product as that is not the main focus of them but a nice add on;)

The ship was painted inspired of the colouring of the Swedish ship Vasa, that you can see here in Stockholm, a really good museum well worth a visit, and it was indeed a visit to the museum Dan and I did in November that made me find this toyship and finish it, always good with inspiration from history:)

The harbour terrain in the pictures are build by a clubmatey, Jocke for his Pulp game but work as well for 17th century, please be sure to take a look at his blog to.

In the pictures I also added som more minis to the crew, 6 more gunners and some Swedish marines from the Warlord TYW range to get a more warship feel and not so much pirate ship I hope it worked.