Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Very Moderate Swedish Conflict AAR #8

Here comes a short AAR from our latest "A Very Moderate Swedish Conflict" game. This time both the Red and the White wanted to snatch a convoy with blackmarket goods...

We played it out on a 180x120 table with 300ish point forces


White side: Stötgrupp KNÖS

Leader: Lieutenant Von Oben accompanied by Nurse Sigrid

2x6 Regulars with rifles and a Automatic Rifle

1x Regular Armored Car with 2 crew and a LMG

1x8 Militia witn Rifles and grenades "TöLP, Group Berzelius"

Red Side: Gruvettan, miner union militia

Leader: Supervisor Göransson (as the Chairmen Engelbrektsson still are in captivity...) bringing the union banner today to rais the moral.

3x6 Milita with Rifles and grenades

1x4 Militia with a Light Mortar

1x Loyd Carrier with 2 crew and a A-T rifle

and of course also the "Civilians"

Leader: Shopkeeper Sjökvst

2 Lorries with Drivers and one extra rifle armed guard.

The Lorries rushed forward along the dusti road as the Gruvettan Milita tried to inteceapt and set up a road block...

Also the Stossgruppe KNÖS advanced swift through the Swedish contry side making god use of what ever cover that was provided...

The Lorries that was loaded with goods for the blackmarket slowely keept going, hoping to escape the approacing villians...

The Civilians only have 2 actions each turn compared to the militia and regulars that have 4 actions each turn.

Lookout!!! Pigs on the road !!!  Was it a keen plan by the miners from Gruvettan to get the Lorries to stop...

The first group of miners had reached the stone wall that was a very good cover for the comming assault...

Like lightning tha White sides armored car emerged and opening fire on the closest of the Lorrys...

All the miners was in good positions along the road to try to stop the Lorries

The minirs was prepering some dynamite to get the Lorries to stop...

Sjökvsten urged his drivers to put the pedal in the metal and save his "Bröloppskonfekt" that hi had manage to get for the lovely Miss Elvira at brokiosken...

The armored car closing in, but the LMG fire coulden´t stop the Lorries...

Gruvettan opened fire with the A-T Rifle on the Loyd Carrier as well as the Miners tried to stop them with dynamite...

One last shot with the A-T Rifle as the first Lorrie passed by... The White sides troops had now managed to advance close by and started to shoot at the Red miners as well as the lorries...

That last A-T rifle shot set the Lorry on fire, Sjökvst merely managed to get out...

Intense action with a butning lorrie, a sobbing Sjökvsten and both white and red that want to save whats left of the Lorrys cargo...

The other lorry also have come to a halt by combined dynamite and LMG fire, one of the white groups swiftley claim the lorrie as theirs...

The pigs dosen´t even seems to bother... the miners decid that they will try to recapture the Lorrie...

Mid game situation...

Sjökvsten tries to escape by a intense firefight take place...

A small group of miners running to the Lorry to get some of the gods...

But by a white counter attack in force they managed to chase of the miners and also save some boxes of Lucky Strikes...

To cover their retreat the Miners light mortar placed some Smoke rounds inbetween...

The rest of the miners that was trying to capture the other Lorrie got caught in a crossfire by the whits armored car and the troops guarding the lorry...

The white milita even managed to capture the Shopkeeper Sjökvsten...

The Red force decided that it was better to fight anotherday...

We had a realy good game this time, most of the rules worked fine and I think we are on the right track:)

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I have got some die-cast trucks as a gift from my friend Tony over in UK. I have been re-paint 2 of them for a start to our "A Very Moderate Swedish Conflict" club project. Here are some pictures of the result.

The delivery truck are designated for the shopkeepter "Sjökvist" that will act as local "mob boss" running all black market operations in the area...

Here you can see a shot film clip of "Sjökvisten" in action, it is in swedish... but I hope you get the ideea...

Monday, September 23, 2013

37mm Bofors Anti-Tank Gun

I have added some firepower to my "A Very Moderate Swedish Conflict" collection. This time a classic Swedish piece, the 37mm Bofors Anti-Tank Gun. Miniatures from Empress miniatures with a couple of head swaps.

It seems that from 1935 each Swedish Infantry regiment should have 4 of them, probably horse drawn, so I might have to build me a limber...

And a picture of a real one from the Stockholm Army museum, the crew have the Swedish WW2 uniform.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Chain of Command first test game...

Last Sunday I hand Jonas had our first go with the latest rules "Chain of Command" from the Too Fat Lardies.

As we tested it in my kitchen we were limited by my kitchen table so the gaming area was just 60x90cm, we used our old 15mm collections (Jonas used his Germans and I my Americans) and used cm instead of inch.

Even if I haden´t realy read the rules it turned out to a greate game with lots of tense moments. The very inovative activation system worked realy greate.

I realy like the use of a patrol phase (have to learn how to use it to the best in future games...) and that all units are keept of board and you during the game have to decide IF this is the right moment to send them in.

It seems like we will be running some more Chain of Command later this autum, probably in 28mm, we just have a 1930´s project to finish first:)

I took some more pictures during our game and you will find them in the AAR over at Jonas Blog, so just keep moving there:)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Very Moderate Swedish Conflict AAR #7

Back to the future or at least to the 1930´s from the Medieval times...

Swedish army soldiers that fighting for the White side...

It will not be a proper AAR this time as I got so caught up in the game that I forgot to take pictures...sorry...

Anyway  here are at least some pictures and a brief story about our 7th game of A Very Moderate Swedish Conflict. This time we continued to run the rules I put together, we are still making minor adjustments to them.

The main objective for the 2 forces was to secure the North-South road by having the most minis on the other side of the road by the end of the game. The game length was quite random so the players shoulden´t be able to plan to much. 

We also had some buildings as secondary objectives, like the farms, filling station and the Dalkulla.

Björn had painted up a group of Swedish Boy Scouts that he tested in the game, here they are advancing in the cover of a Loyd carrier, effectively blooking the way for Huddinge Freikorps armourd car...honk...honk...

Early up in the game the Fagersta Red Guards made a dashing advance with its Armoured Truck up to the Nafta Filling station, the read hoard unloaded and secured the black gold...

If you want you can doubled any road movement in the game, the drawback are that you count as "in the open" as you don´t care for cover...

For this game we didn´t only have the Boy Scouts as newcomers the Hudding Freicorps had brought their new Armourd Propaganda Truck with speakers and Carry capacity...

On the white sides left flank a Mortar Section deployed and started to shell the entire gaming table, we made some adjustments to the mortar rules... 

In the meantime the Wasa Defence Corps advanced to seize the Filling Station.... we use random movemetn in the rules, Infantry for example move 1D6+3" on each activation, this gives us on occasion the situation where units get left in the open as the move was to short to get them in to cover...just to be exploit by the enemy:)

The Boy scouts run for the forest...a wise decision as they treat all difficult ground as open grond for movement...

The lightly armored Propaganda car park in cover of the "Dalkulla"...

The White sides Loyd Carrier tries to out shoot the Armoured Truck of the Fagersta Red Guards down by the Filling Station...

To hit you most often need to roll 9 or more with the 10 sided dices you have, the dice throw are then modified depending on troop quality and other circumstance. The number of diced are set by the weapon used, for example a Heavy Machine Gun roll 5 dices.

The situation after a couple of turns...

Huddinge freikorps in a shoot out with the red forces...

With their propaganda truck nearby they keep on fighting despite heavy fire from the red´s...

The Loyd carried have advance to deal with a group of Miner Militia with a Heavy flamer...

That was all for now...the game was a close call for both sides and I would judge it as a draw. We had a great gaming time, the basic rules had a good flow and we just discussed some rules and how to make them work in the best way to give a even faster game.

More from our Very Moderate Swedish Conflict in the near future:)