Greate with all the feedback and guesses regarding the Burning Barn.
As several of you have suggested the reason of the Burning barn are of course a minor misshap by Shopkeeper Sjökvst when he was seting up a new moonshine stil for the Red´s that captured him in one of our lates games...
This explosion was also the starting point for our latest game as it allerted the White forces in the region...more about that later...
Some pictorial evidence about who set the Barn on fire...
You can clearly see the perp fleeing the scene...was it an accident od did hi do it on purpose...
Don´t know if it was smart to park the escape vehicle in the barn...
Shopkeeper Sjökvst and his delivery van...
I thank you all for inovative ideeas and I decided to put the name of all 30 that have replied to my post and make a prize draw of it all, I hope you don´t mind.
So to the result of the prize draw was:
The prize minis are UNpainted.
The minis in the picture above are painted by Björn,
and you can all see how you should paint them...
By the CAN`T look inside here;)
Congratulation to the winners !
If the winners please send me a mail to with your adress and I´ll send you your prize right away...or at least on monday.
I hope you all will have a realy nice weekend !