I and Jonas have had some test games of Dan Mersey´s new Osprey wargaming rules "The Men Who Would Be Kings" due to be published in 2016.
To find the Swedish connection to the Colonial period I have choose to set my games in Swedish Gold Coast around 1650. I have choose to run the forces half size in the "Skirmish King" mode of the rules.
The terrain are set and the minis deployed for the first game, the scenario was a passby action, as both forces should cross the board with as few losses as possible...for the fun of it we added a angry Rhino in the middle, that would advance randomly against the closes unit and try to run them down...
2x6 Regular Soldiers with Obsolete muskets
3x8 Native Tribesmen with spears and a bad attitude
1x6 Regular Soldiers with Obsolete muskets
4x6 Irregular Soldiers with Obsolete muskets
Swedish regulars advance, tha natives quickley hide in the djungle...
Angry rhinos...
The angry rhino decided that the Swedes that apperently didn´t realise the treat was the ones to run down...
The angry Rhino attacked the Swedes but they managed to stand firm, forcing the Rhino back...
...poor rhino shootdown in cold blod by the Swedish colonial troops... The natives helped out a bit bu throwing spears from their safe possition in the djungle...
When the Rhino was out of the way a general advance started by bothe sides...mostly by the natives as they had move as a free action...
Native warriors running swiftley around in the djungle...
...leaving the more cumbersome Swedes behind...
The Natives set up in abuch possition and await the Dutch slavers...
Charge !!!
The Native Warriors also attacked the Duch Irregulars...
The Swedes was shoot by the Dutch irregulars and the Swedes native allies run for home...
To be honest I don´t realy remember which side that won, but I´m sure Jonas will enlighten us soon...
Cant really tell you much about the rules yet, but this was a really nice game we had, and it left us with a bunch of feedback for Dan...
Soon there will be more Swdish adventure in Cabo Corso.