1 hour ago
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Medieval Civilians for our Salute 2016 game - Battle at Foteviken 1134
I got my hands on some great Viking/Medieval civilians from Gripping Beast that work really nice when painted up. They will bring nice life to the civilian part of our demonstration game :)
Monday, March 28, 2016
WIP Project F... terrain for salute 2016
Jan continues his work on the Project F...Battle at Foteviken 1134 terrain for our Salute demonstation game. You will find us at GA15, hope to see you there:)
Abowe are a picture of the boards so far with some houses and ships Jan is working on, and below a close up of the work in progress houses.
Please have a look at the Scandinavian church Jesper built for the project to and of course Jonas Stunning Cavalry and Infantry.
Foteviken 1134,
Lion Rampant,
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Medieval Russian City Militia by Fire Forge
The easter bunny have been here today already, but not with candy in the egg this year but som up-comming minis from FireForge games.
I got one pack each of their new medieval Russian City Militia with Bow and Spears casted in resine that will be released at Salute 2016 and are up for pre-order at the Fire Forege website
I´m very pleased to see the first of the FireForge medieval Russians and I really look forward to the plastic kit to be released later this year.
Indeed very nice sculpt minis. The bodys and heads are more or less the same in the Archer blister and the Spear blister but as the heads and arms are lose there are plenty of options to mix them around and also mix them with heads from their plastic boxes.
In the Spear blister you have one body and 3 heads that are not in the Archer blister.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Polish War 1625-1629 - AAR #7
The 7th battle have been fought in my Polish–Swedish War 1625–1629 campaign at the club to get further playtest games of the Pikeman´s Lament rules that I and Dan Mersey are working on.
The Campaign revolves around the war between the Swedes and the Poles in 1625-1629 and we have started of during the autum of 1625.
The Polish–Swedish Wars were a series of wars between the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden. Broadly construed, the term refers to a series of wars between 1563 and 1721. More narrowly, it refers to particular wars between 1600 and 1629.
In 1621, the Swedes besiege and conquered Riga, which attracted attention, as it was the first time a Protestant leaders defeated a Catholic power. The Swedish army was worn and the Poles could regain the initiative at Dorpat. Truce was signed in November 1622 and was extended until March 1625. Any acceptable terms for peace with Poland, could not be reached, so Gustav II Adolf planned a new campaign against Poland, which began in June 1625. Kokenhusen, Birze and Mitau was captured and Dorpat was taken after six days of siege. During the autumn of 1625 two Polish armies appeared against the Swedish forces and Gustav II Adolf decided to get into a clash before the Polish forces managed to unite.
So this is the starting point for my Polish War club campaign.
Below are a map of the area around the Town of Kockenhus where the campaign are set during the Autum of 1625. The Red and blue sabers mark the point of each game and the winner...
Fot this battle the Flemish mercenarys that at the moment fight for the Polish side have been out gathering supplys from the area and are heading back to the Polish camp when they runin to a Swedish ambuch... you can read the Swedish victory bulletine over at Ulf´s blog.
Just some pictures from the game below.
Polish War,
The Pikeman´s Lament
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Viking ships for Project F... Salute 2016

Mu matey Jan dosen´t only build the gaming board, he will also build the Danish ledung fleet of Viking ships for our Salute game. Using the same technique as for the small boats to our Stockholm 1392 game, i.e. compressed plastic hulls, the multi coloured things on one of the boards in my last blog post.
Below are some pictures of the first sample viking ship that Jan built as well as some pictures of boats that he made for our Stockholm 1392 game.
Foteviken 1134,
Lion Rampant,
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Project F... terrain WIP
Project F... "Battle at Foteviken 1134" that will be our joint Viking/Medieval demonstartion game at Salute 2016.
This year my mateys Jonas and Jesper will help out with the painting of the mins, we need much more than last year... so be sure to look for project updates at their blogs to.
You can find us at GA15 just to the right when you enter Salute on saturday the 16th April 2016 at ExCel arena in London. We hope to see you there.
All the terrain are as last year built by my matey Jan that are a fellow Sweden that live in exile in the UK.
Jan have an exellent skill in terrain building and this years terrain will depict the Foteviken bay area with the market place and the beach where the Danish King and his soldiers will make his littoral landing and then settle this score with the Rebel Scanian Jarl.
Now some pictures from Jans workshop. the terrain will be build on 9 boards that are about 100x80cm that gives us a total terrain area of 3x2,4m :)
Foteviken 1134,
Lion Rampant,
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