On request I have put together a basic Impetus armylist for "Rebell Swedish" and "Union/Danish" armys ranging from 1434-1471 i.e. from the Engelbrekt rebellion to Battle at Brunkeberg. I haven´t tryed them out yet, but I hope that they work... might be some changes in the future after some playtesting;)
To the Allmoge units I would use about 10 minis, 50% crossbow/longbow and 50% with different kinds of handweapon,polearms, spears and improvised weapons, I would even mix in a knight or two in some unit as the nobles often disounted and led the allmoge by example.
I would alsoe use all sorts of armour ranging from non to full plate for the knights, the allmoge troops used what armour they coud get hold of even if it was obsolete. Iron hats was comon and the occasional shield of all sorts, from the old round shield to the knight sort.
I hope this have given you some guidence...
4 hours ago