Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Viking longhouse

I´m in the progress of building me a Viking longhouse.

At first I thought that I would buy me one of those MDF ones, but as they was quite expensive and need plenty of work anyway to be possible to use I thought I could build my own for a lesser cost.

So far my house have cost me Zero money as all parts was in my buildmaterial pile.

The House mesure about 12x30cm, at least the base I built it on:)

Now just some painting left...


  1. Great job! Look forward to seeing it all painted up!

  2. Looking good so far. I bet it will look even better with a coat of paint

  3. Sweet! Will you be leaving this at the club? I am painting up some 28mm Vikings and other things for Blood Eagle games. I was thinking of building some buildings but it looks like between you and Jesper you have almost a full village. Great work! I hope you have a good week.

  4. Looks fantastic so far! Always love these scratchbuild houses!


  5. Well that is just tremendous, you made it look so easy.

  6. Well I initially hoped that you were building a real one! However the scale model version looks pretty damend good:)

  7. Looks good this far Michael! Can't wait to see the finished longhouse. I assume the roof will be lift-off? ;)

  8. Great stuff did you do the thatch on the roof it looks great.

    1. It is made of an old towel :)

    2. How do you colour the towel? Do you use paint or stain or what? I've been unsuccessful in finding a good tone for thatching and yours looks good.

    3. This is only a basic colour as the towel was white, I used brown paint and much water mixed up. After this I spraypaint the whole house and roof.

      I really don´t try to do a thatched roof:) I will paint it in brown and gree to get a grass and moss roof. Like I did for my swedish houses, used the same towel;)

  9. Well, I see that Salute hasn't slowed you up - you've hit the ground running! Terrific work, Michael, looking forward to seeing the finished article.

    1. Haha... but I havent painted much minis... feelt like a good relaxing thing to do to build a house instead:)

  10. Excellent longhouse. How did you build the roof? I havnt manage to make one look good.

    Now you just nead atleast 3 more and a surounding wall...

    1. Haha...just 3 more to go then...and a wall...

      The roof... not easy to describe but Ill try... Started with the sturdy back of a A4 notebook, folded it in half to get the ridge.

      Then I placed 6 V-shaped truss on the inside that I made out of the same cardboard material as the walls.

      After that I stiffen all the outer edges of the roof with wood, using the same as I used to the outer walls of the house.

      next step was to add the beems on both sides using same balsa wood I used for the beems around the house, 5x5mm.

      Now time to pva glue the towel to the roof... paint it all in brown paint with much water so the white towel will be easier to spray paint and I also get the fabric of the towel to lay in one direction.

      Lastly I added the 4 outer V-beems for the look of it:)

      Simple as that;)

      Be sure to let thins dry in between, I use PVA glue and it take some time to fixiate. especially the 6 V-shaped truss...

  11. Lovely model, the thatched/towel roof looks very effective.

  12. Awesome Michael! I want to make one now.

  13. Superb, you can make anything at all it seems!


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