After the Later Spanish TYW project I have decided to start up 2 Impetus armys in 28mm mainly using the Perry WOTR plastic minis...
As I´m from Sweden I will make me a "Rebell" Swedish and a Union/Danish army dated 1463-1471 that was a realy turbulent time in the Swedish history, much like the WOTR.
Sweden had several noble Houses that was fighting for personel power, for and against
the Kalmar Union...many using nationalist propaganda to cause dissatiatisfaction amongst the Allmoge to gain there needed support.
I have painted up a test base of some Swedish Allmoge... They was all freemen working as Farmers, Yeomen, Mainers, Craftsmen etc. Thanks to the many Rebellions during the last 30 years they had become a Powerfull factor that no Noblemen could overlook if they wanted to retain there power and wealth.

The Allmoge troops prefered to fight in quite dense terrein, luring their opponents in to Ambushes. They were unusually well equipped and effective for non-professional medieval infantry and fought in mixed formations of men with polearms and crossbowmen/bows. The numbers of polearms and crossbows/bows in the formation seems to have been roughly equal with 2-3 ranks of crossbow-/bowmen and 2-3 ranks of polearms.

I don´t realy like the classing in Extra Impetus 3 (Spliting them in 2 groups)I would have rather classed them as FL with a Crossbow B capability and a option to make Large Units...more about that later then I have had the possibility to make some playtesting:)

Thes minis are some Perry Plastic and some old metel ones from Essex and Foundry. I wanted to make the mixed look, thats why there are both men armed with polearms, crossbows and bows. The Base are 12x6cm

The flag are the from the Swedish provins of Västmanland.

The fense are a typical Swedish called Gärsgård in Swedish:)