Monday, July 19, 2010

VIP Late Romans

I dont have any more AWI minis with me to the i had to paint some 28mm Late Roman/Sub-Roman British minis that I had almost forgotten I have to order some more from Gripping Beast...

They will be based for our clubs "Big-Base" concept, i.e. 8cm front.

Friday, July 16, 2010

One more American AWI VIP...

One more VIP picture...I have had the time to paint two more American AWI Officers.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Here are a VIP of my latest minis, my CinC for the AWI Americans, General Washington, arriving to Boston in July 1775 saluted by the locals:) Headquater flag are missing and of course the base...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Great Northern War

Sorry for my absence, to much at work and at home...But I managed to go to the club an at lest look at a game that Tomas arranged. It was a 15mm game of GNW with the GåPå rules. Looked realy nice at the gaming table and the Sweds was winnign then I left...

Battlefield from the Swedish side. The Swedish lines had made a steady advance against the Saxon lines. As most of the Swedish units are classed as veterans (the rest are Elit) the Swedish army are fairly small... about 15 units to 30 or so for the Saxons...

Close-up of the center from the Saxon side...All minis and flaggs are painted by Tomas, realy good work.