Yesterday we did inaugurate our new BIG 180x360cm modular gaming table at the club:)
The premiere game was a first try out of FoG Renaissance with Oskars stunning 28mm Swedish and Polish TYW armies.

Poland vs total about 40 Battle groups, 320 Infantry, 250 Cavalry, 4 heavy guns, 6 regimental guns and 8 commander...

The Swedish Battle line from left to right...5BG of cavalry with commanded shots under command of
King Gustavus Adolphus. In the center 6BG of Swedish infantry with Regimental guns and support of the Heavy artillery and on the swedish left flank 4BG of Cavalry with Commanded shots...

The Swedish line

The Polish line, with
Hajduks and
Winged Hussars
The Swedish right wing under command of the king waiting for the Polish pancerni to advance...
Polish Hussars advance against the Swedish center...

The Swedish brigades stand firm and await the charge of the Polish Hussars.
Under heavy fire from the Swedish Brigades the Polish Hussars charges...and manages to fight several round of close combat with the steay Swedes...

On the Swedish right flank the pancerni advance in to fire range and start shoting up the Swedish cavalry...Gaustavus Adolphus order a steady advance to extremly close the units are not in base contact...but almost...

The the Swedish charge is ordered and the Polish Pancerni trys to evade...but one of the unit are caught and cut down...
After a couple of houres we had to call it a day, The Swedes would eventually had hold the field...better luck next time for the Polish army...
FoGR worked out quite fine, but we have to try them out more to get a good grip ot them.