6 hours ago
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Östgöta ryttare for TYW
As you know from my erlier post I been working on some TYW horse units for a Battle of Lützen 1632 game I are running as my co-authour of the Pikeman´s Lament rules, Dan Mersey, are visiting me here in Stockholm during this weekend.
My matey Mattias that had a Gustav II Adolf mini wanted to use it and came up with the greate ideea that I should write a scenario revolving around the Death of the Swedish King at the Battle of Lützen 1632, He also opted to field 36 cavalry minis as the Smålands Ryttare (The Swedish Småland Horse) in the game if I could prowide the rest of the needed minis...
So I feelt that I could not do less and sins I had 4 boxes of warlord plastic cavalry I soon started to build me some Swedish horse, I built the Östgöta Ryttare (The Swedish Östergöa Horse) with 36 minis and of course I also painted 6 extra as the Kings Mounted Darabant´s (his personal boduguard...that you could say failed on their watch that day in November 1632...)
So here are a bunch of pictures of the Kings Mounted Drabant´s and Östgöta Ryttare.
The Pikeman´s Lament,
Thursday, November 26, 2015
TYW Imperial Trotters
For the last month or so I been working on a lot of Thirty Years War cavalry as my co-authour of the Pikeman´s Lament Rules will visit me here in Stockholm, mainly for some playtesting of the rules and a historical museum bonanzan, like the Vasa museum, My matey Mattias thought we sould throw Dan a real epic Swedish battle... set in 1632...
So here are the first groups of horse, some Imperial trotters both Arquebusiers and Cuirassier, most of them are rebased minis from my Spanish TYW army that I painted some years ago, but I had to paint some 12 more minis to fill the ranks as well as tidy up painting of the old ones.
The Pikeman´s Lament,
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Painted some old Teutons and Novgorodians
I painted some Teutonic Knights and Novgorodian infantry as a comission work from my own brother, that needed some minis at a theatre performance he is working on,
Don´t ask me what as he haven´t told me but he evidently needed some minis painted up and promised me a Texas Longhorn burger in return :)
some pictures of the minis, I think most of them are Mirliton 28mm minis, but not sure, got them from my matey jesper a long time ago.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
The Pikeman´s Lament AAR #7 - Rescue of Lieutenant Skytte...
Here are a some pictures from one of our playtest games of The Pikeman´s Lament rules during the Scanian War 1675-1679. This time we run a plain Rescue mission as the Swedish "hero" Lieutenant Nils Skytte, yes he have been promoted but he was also captured by the danes in the last game so he is now a Danish Prisoner on a small scanian farm waiting to be exanged, transported to Copenhagen or freed by his loyal men...
Of course his men are very loyal although Lieutenant Skytte manage to lead his men in to troubble...so they have decided to try to rescue Lieutenant Skytte... The Danes of course under command of the most efficient Captain Niels Andersen that was at the farm with som Shot units and a field gun.
OOB Swedish
Officer: Second Lieutenant Nils Skytte, he are an Officer and a Gentleman in fancy clothes that the ladies really love even if hi is a military misfit... in this Scenatio he is imprissoned at the farm so he can´t influence his troops untill he have been freed.
2 Shot @ 4 points each
1 Pike @ 4 points
2 Forlon Hope @ 4 points each
1 Regimental gun @ 4 points
3 Agressive Galoppers @ 4 points each
3 Dragoons @ 4 points each
OOB - Danish
Officer: Captain Niels Andersen, he are a Hothead and have a hard time with superiors - he have been demoted several times, but his freeshoter company loves that he cares for them and lead from the front and due to his achievements he have now been promoted to Captain.
3 Shot @ 4 points each
1 Pike @ 4 points
2 Raw Shot @ 3 points
1 Field gun @ 6 points
2 Elit Trotters @ 6 points each
3 Dragoons @ 4 points each
The Scanian farme was well defended by the danes that even brought a fieldgun...
The Swedes didm´t hesitate and sent forward their galoppers...
While the Galoppers rode to make a frontal attack the swedish infantry and Regimental gun advanced through a field...
Headless charge of teh Field gun....
The gun crew tpoo a real beating and run away...
The Swedish galoppers puch through and engaged a unit of shot...
Thad delivered a fearsom salvo making the Swedish horse retreat as they self also retreated in to one of the farm houses...
Swedish galoppers on their way back to regroup...
The Danes reinforece the defence of the farm with a unit of pike...
With most Danes chased away from the farm yard the Swedes send forward a unit of shot to free the Lieutenant...
The Danes reman the field gun, but have problems to get it firing as it seems like the Swedes managed to spike it...
As the danish Pike´s enter the farm yard the swedes bring in evem more galoppers...
Danish dragoons on a de tour...
Even more danish reinforcements...
After great problem to cross the hedge the Swedish cgaloppers at last can charge...the pikemen... ouch...
The Swedish galoppers are all repelled by a stoic defence by the danish pike, and they have to retreat...
Muuu !!!
One again the Swedish galoppers charge in to the farmyard to engage the Danish Pike...
...and the Daneish Pike unit are at last defeated but to a high cost in Swedish hore...
After several tuns of shooting the Swedish shots charge the last remaining Danish shot unit that guard Lieutenant Skytte...
The defet the danes but loose their heart in the process and retreat before they manage to free Lieutenant Skytte...
The Swedes now throw in their last the reserv in the form of two forlorn hope...
Some Danish dragoons have got around on the Swedish flank and tries to stop their advance...
Some Danish dragoons have got around on the Swedish flank and manage to stop their advance with the help of the danish Trotters...
As the Swedes almost have Lieutenant Skytte freed a group of Scanian allmoge runs forward and start to drag him away... the Swedes decide they had it for the day and starts to retreat...
Danish victory once again... The Swedes decide to ransom back poor Lieutenant Skytte...
More Scanian war action in the progress. :)
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