So less than a week from the ideea was outed we had our first game using the
Fistful of Lead Wild West rules.
The Fistful of lead Reloaded are indeed a very nice, fast paced set of rules all that give a good wild west feel to the game, all in my liking ! The rules use a deck of playing cards fro activation and dice to test for shooting etc. most often a D10 is used but poor character can use a D8 and Good ones a D12, and you only need one of each. each player has 4-6 minis each. The rules are fast to learn and very few things you need to remember, even if this was our first game we didnt have to look up much in the rules during the game.The rules are 46 pages and include everything you need, plenty of scenarios and easy to manage campaign rules, we decided with ease to keep on using them for our Wild West club campaign.

For the first game in our Wild West club campaign we was 4 players (Sebastian, Jocke, Jesper and I) each with a 15 point gang composed of 5-6 minis. Sebastian fielded his The Woodpecker gang named after its Notorious Leader Kurt "Woddy" Woodpecker, Jesper as always fielded some members from the Castroulle family - The Castroulle Bunch. Jocke commanded the Killer Kims' Killers and i ofcourse my
Yolly brothers. With this amount of dirtbags in a small town with only two Cantinas it was set for a gunfight.
As this was a first test of the Fistful of Lead rules we decided to make it all easy and just fight it out over 6 loot markers in the central of our wild west town "Sunny Hill". Each gang was deployed in a corner of the table (we did not use the north part of the gaming table, on the otherside of the stream, so a square of 120x120cm.
Sunny Hill
The Yolly brothers started up behind the church...
Loot on top of the stagecoache and also in the wagon across the streat...
The Castroulle Bunch and the Killer Kims' Killers got in to each others throats rightaway, engageing in a major shootout eact of the main streat, leaving all the loot to the other two gangs.
The Woodpecker gang made a slow and cowardly advance forward the Sheriff´s office...
East of the mainstreet the fighting continued with new intensety... and it was clear way Killer Kims' Killers had the name they had...
While the other gangs was in the progress of killing each other or just cowardly sneakaround the Yolly brothers focused on the loot and started to clain several of them...
Jarred Yolly soon got one of the members of the The Woodpecker gang on the cantina roof...
...taking advantage of his riflescope to get a good shot on the Woodpecker...
With a firm hand Papa Joe leads his sons...
Despite the scope the shots missed and there was even more Woodpeckers on the Cantin roof...
It was clearly that the Woodpecker Bunch would not let the Yolly brothers to take all loot fot them selfs...
James Jolly claimed one more loot...a Skunk... With 3 of 6 claimed loot the Yolly brothers started to withdraw from the fight, still the Woodpecker Bunch managed to wing Jeremia Yolly...
With the Yolly brothers on the retreat the Woodpecker Bunch thought they had secured the other tree loot but Killer Kims' Killers was of a nother opinion...
It all ended with a eye to eye shoot out on the main street... The Woodpecker Bunch managed to get away with 2 of the Loot and Killer Kims' Killers got the last one...
Lots of wounded men after the fight, The Castroulle Bunch took the toughtest beating and got 2 men Killed and 2 wounded... sounded like jesper was looking for a new Bunch to bring to the next fight.
We had a really great game of
Fistful of Lead, took some time to get used to the rules, as it was our first game using them. They are really easy to learn and quite fastpaced as soon as all player had got a grip of them, highly recomended.