Thursday, November 11, 2021

Scenario #1 - The Botched Deal


My two Chiselers was working this physical loot 7 times before they managed to unlock it...

Last week we had our first stargrave game at the club, running scenario #1 The Botched Deal there our 4 crews had ended up on the outskirts of a small town on some forgotten planet. It become a bloody shootout with plenty of local ruffians trying to protect their turf and at the ende a Bounty hunter causing further problems...

Below you can see some pictures from a very entertaining game, we like Stargreave :)


  1. I have always enjoyed the games of Frostgrave I have has and I assume a lot of the mechanics are similar in this version of the "Grave" rules family

  2. The set up looks great. Are you going to try The Silver Bullet at all?

    1. Thanks! Indeed i Will test Silver Bayonets, have an order for the book and promised it Will arrive on monday… i Hope ;)


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