As you know I,
Sören and Jesper fron the club made a trip to Copenhagen to set up our Battle at Lund 1676 game att the
DFFCON 2014.
So this first AAR will show you some pictures of the other Lovely games and of the Stunning museum where the
DFFCON was held, the
Toejhusmuseet or in English The Royal Danish Arsenal.
DFFCON was a quite small but very familiary and fun convention that I really can recomend if you want to get the chanse to participate in the gaming and play on really nice terrain. Here are a bunch of pictures from the
DFFCON and the Museeum.
DFFCON was held on the second floor of the Tojehusmuseet, gaming next to the exhibition coulden´t get more inspiration:)
10mm Chariot game, Circus Maximus
15mm WW2, Fighting around Casino 1944 with the Chain of Command rules.
28mm Jousting game, Very nice introduction to wargames for the younger visitor at the museum.
28mm Revenge of the Ninja with the Ronin Rules, sorry no minis on the table yet...
20mm WW2, Charge of the Paras – Push to Arnhem 1944 with the Rapid Fire rules.
1/350 WW1 Flight game, In Clouds of Glory
6mm Napoleonic
28mm Medieval, Bannockburn 1314 using DBM rules
15mm Italian Wars 1494 using the FoGR rules
ACW with blocks, Battle of Shilo using the Fire and Fury rules
Some pictures from the Museeum
First a Swedish Cavalry buffcoat fron the Scanian War:)
The Bottom floor was full of old guns...
Bofors 37mm AT gun, straight from Sweden;)
On the second floor they had display case with stuff from 15th centery to present day, but I did onlu take photos of some medieval stuff:)
And I was real exited when I discovered that they had a Autentic Kettlehat with onion top:)
...they didn´t mention that Dolsteins pictures are of Swedish Allmoge soldiers...
In AAR #2 you will see some pictures of our Battle of Lund 1676 game...