Not even 2 weeks left to the Rebels and Patriots rules official publication day... in this blog post I will shed some light on some of the rule mecanics as I got some questions.
All examples are from the game my son David and I run today, it was set in the ACW and David commanded the Confederates and I the Union. I was so sure of the Union victory that I even just fielded 18 points and David got 24 points...
Union OOB - 18 points
3 units of Line Infantry @ 4 points each
3 units of Skirmishers @ 2 points each
Confederate OOB - 24 points
3 units of Line Infantry @ 4 points each
2 units of Skirmsihers @ 2 points each
1 unit of Light Cavalry @ 4 points
1 unit of Light Artillery @ 4 points
First some dice probailities for the 2D6 roll that are vitale to Activate the units in Rebels and Patriots. To succeed with Activation, Morale etc you need to roll 6+ (six or more) with 2D6, your roll can then be modified depending on situation quality of the troops, Officers etc.
Please also remember that you dont end your turn if you fail to activate a unit, you hve a chanse to activate all your units during your turn.
A unmodified 2D6 roll has a 72% chanse of 6+ and there by suceed, wich is fairly good and will let you activate 4-5 of your units each turn if you has 6 units in your force.
At least I dont want about 30% of my force to sit on their buts each turn so I do what I can to increase my chanses to activate them. For example if I manage to have them all within command, i.e. 12" of my Officers unit then they all gain +1 on the 2D6 roll and there by increase their chanse for activation to 83% letting me activate 5 of 6 unit as an average.
If I keep my units (the ones that can) in Close Order they also gain +1 on all Activations, if they then are within 12" of the Officers unit they gain +1, in total +2 on the 2D6 and then has a impressive 92% chans to be activated.
This statistics was what would win me and the Union the day against David and his Rebells, even if I had a weaker force in terms of points...
So off to the game, I describe it in turn order and try to focus on explaining the rules for some of the game effects, if anything is unclear, please post a question below and I will try to elaborate on that subject.
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The objective of the game was easy, both sides was attacking to get hold of the fence by the road, the side with most units in contact with it by the end of the game was the winner. |
Turn 1
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The Union had the initiative and sent the 3 units of Skirmishers forward, the Line infantry formed Close Order but only 2 of 3 suceeded. |
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The Confederate Artillery managed a luckey shot when it managed to land a shot on one of the Union Skirmih units that took a casualty but passed the morale test. |
Turn 2
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The Union troops continued their advance for the fence and all 3 on the Skirmish units reached it and the Line Infantry advanced all now in Close order. |
Turn 3
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The Union Skirmish line had been thined out so a swift advance with the Line Infantry was the kee to the victory, at least so I believed... |
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With the Line Infantry advancing more or less as planned tha Union skirmish unit on their rigleft flank (out of the picture) opened up on the Confederate Cavalry and manageing to inflict 1 casualty. |
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The Union Skirmish unit in fron of the Cavalry took advantage of the situation and also opened fire on the cavalry resulting in 2 more casualties to the cavalry unit... |
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The Confederate tried to retaliate but due to poor dice roll they only managed to hit one of the Union Skirmish units... |
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The 4th turn was focused for both sides on Skirmish fire and bringing up the Line infantry in possition. |
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The Union Officer and his men reaches the fence first but this also brings them within range for the Confederate Artillery... |
Turn 5
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Despite my deadly volly the Condeferate Skirmishers manage to hold their possition and retaliate causing my Officers unit to recieve a Disorder Marker. |
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The Union lines start to thin out as the Confederate made good use of their Artillery... |
Turn 6
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Also my Officers unit recieved some enemy fire and took losses and gaining one more Disorder Marker for a total of 2 Disorder marker and forcing them to retreat... |
Turn 7
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Without Officer and only tvo depleted and Disordered units on the table I have to see me beaten by a 9-year old... |
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Glory to the Rebells !!! |
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Victorious Officer |
Post-battle summery
It was a good game that I thought I would win as I was sure David would not use his Skirmishers to screen his line Infantry and I absolutely didn´t belive he would form the Line Infantry in Close Order.
I was apparently to eager to reach the Fence with my Line Infantry as David played his Line Infantry much more cautiously, keeping them away from Close Range and instead focused on using his Artillery and Skirmishers in a good way to soften up my line before he advanced with his Line Infantry and delivered Volly fire at close range, good playing I must say, but I suppouse he had a good teacher ;)
I hope You got some good glimps about how some of the rules work in Rebels and Patriots and that even if only +1 on you Activation roll it will increase your chanses to sucess with about 10%, it did not help me today but it did indeed help David to one more victory.
They appear to work very well, I liked them!
ReplyDeleteExcellent looking game Micheal! Looking forward to seeing the rules.
ReplyDeleteA fine looking game Micheal!
A lovely looking game and great to see David having fun too. The rules are great and the book is (as always) lovely to hold and look at.
ReplyDeleteVery promising indeed. Looking forward to buying a copy.
ReplyDeleteGreat battle report. Kid dice rule. Its really not fair. Looking forward to picking up these rules.
ReplyDeleteYour mat has a very realistic effect. Have you adapted a commercial one?
ReplyDeleteNice clear write-up and a good looking table.
ReplyDeleteAdd one to your sales total, I ordered today.
Great set of rules.
ReplyDeleteI have had my copy for a few days.
A lot like your other rules which I like
and play all the time.
Hope to play a game in a week or so.
A question if I may.
Is there a one page quick play sheet for the game?
Thanks for another great rule set.
Thanks Randall !
DeleteThere will be a QRS in some time at the Osprey site, unfortunate it have been a bit delayed.
Just visited the Rebel and Patriot FB group an there was a nice QRS just posted made by a member.