Saturday, January 8, 2022

Monsters for the Silver Bayonet #1


Been painting some of the monsters for the Silver Bayonet rules by Osprey. The first batch are a Demon (dont know where the mini are from, big in plastic), then we have a Living Scarecrow (mini from Reaper). The next 4 minis will be used as Ghouls and Hobgoblin (minis from reaper) and last you have a Ghost (mini from North Star). 


  1. Yes, they are indeed super creepy and great!

  2. Great figures! Certain to scare the beejeezus off the unsuspecting

  3. The Demon is a Harbinger from the Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death box. You bought it from me :-D a long time ago. I got a double set of all monsters when I backed the Brimstone kickstarter way back, and I sold them all at the club. Here's mine


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