Unfourtunely I forget my camera and had to use the camera in the cell phone...only got about 5 OK pictures...
Here they are...
The deployment. Matts commanded the Barbarian hord, placing he´s main battle line of warriors in the middle, keeping most of he´s skirmishers in ambush and he´s Cavalry of board on he´s right flank.
I commanded the Romans, deploying a skirmish line in front of the warbands with support och my heavy cavalry, my Auxillias in the middle, 4 units of Legioners in the village and 2 units of Huns on the far side of the village.
The thin roman line waiting for the Barbarian hord to attack...
The Barbarian main line...
The Barbarian Hord advance against the weak Roman line...
The Roman Legioners, leaves the village and start to attack the Barbarians flanks... The Huns races for the Barbarian camp and manages to loot it in the last turn.
No more pictures of any use...It was a hard fight and at first it looked liked a easy victory for the Barbarians...but the Roman managed to change the tide by some impetuous charges by the heavy Cavalry...so it all ended in a minor victory for the Romans:)
Realy nice game the looked good on the table, we have agreed to tryout the same armys with the Impetus rules, I hope to have the camera with me that time...
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