He have the last month or so painted 64 Plastic Zombies from Mantic Games and 32 Survivors, minis mostly from Lead Adventure Miniatures. The buildings are plastic russian houses from Pegasus Hobbies.
The rules we used was the All things Zombie from Two Houres Wargames
First some pictures of the gaming board.
Set up of the game, the 11 players was divided in 3 different groups with different missions... and about 36 Zombies at the start of the game...
The 5 members of the Military group that was assigned the task of geting fresh wather from the wather tower and to protect Survivors and Civilians from Gangers... You can alsoe see one of the character cards that I made for the game, small foto of the mini and all the gaming stats you need.
The 3 Survivors with mission to find a lost group member in one of the buildings...they started surounded with Zombies...
The 3 Gangers that was searching the buildings for food become them self food for the Zombies...they got overrun by a Zombie hoard at once...2 of them got slain but the third got away then the Zombies started to feast on he´s comrades... The 2 unlucky player got to respawn with 2 new Gangers:)
The Military make a swift advance not meeting to much recistance...
The Survivors started to search the buildings with a Zombie hord in close company...
One of the New Gangers sneaking behind a old car...trying to start it, but it was out of gas... The noice from the startengine draw the attention from some Zombies...
Zombies hunting for humans....
The Survivors got some reinforcements during the game...they soon got in conflict with the Gangers that tryed to kidnapp the missing member from the Survivorgroup...
The Military runs in to some problem... Even as the Military got orders to protect Survivors and Civilians from the Gangers they didn´t even bother then they could see and hear how the Gangers attacked the Survivors...
A Ganger tryes to get in to a house with hiding Civilians...
Using handgrandes draw the attention of Zombies...
It was a quite nice game, the rules worked realy god with lots of unexpected events...BUT 11 players was some to many...to much waiting time...
I realy hope that this was not a onetime game., it would be fun to try out a small campaign in the Russian Post-Apocalypt...
Your work is awesome! have a new follower...
ReplyDeleteWelcome Pauix!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment, but this time it is my freind Oskar that are guilty of a fast and awesome work:)
Best regards Dalauppror