And I have alsoe painted a little bit on my next regiment for my AWI project the 42nd Highlanders...I hope they will be finished by next week...
I alsoe working on some more flags for my 15th centery Swedish rebel I have a VIP pictures of the banner for the Bishop of Linköping Kettil Karlsson Vasa (First Name/Last Name(son of Karl)/House Name).
Kettil was the nobleman that started the rebellion in 1463 against the Union/Danish king Christian I of Denmark. The King had imprisoned the Archbishop of Sweden Jöns Bengtsson Oxenstierna that was a relative to Kettil. It is stated that Kettil placed he´s Bishop dress on the altar of the Cathedral of Linköping and dressed in armour and swore not to act as Bishop again until he´s friend and relative was released.
The rebellion led to the Battle of Haraker 17 april 1464 there the Swedish rebell army triumphed agains King Christian I´s Union/Danish army...the battle that I aiming for with my armies:)
...and now the picture of the banner...I don´t know if it looked like this but I have combined the arms of the Bishop of Linköping and the older arms of the House of Vasa...
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