Yesterday I had the opportunety to introduce 2 new players to SAGA and continue our SAGA campaign.
Lasse had painted up a nice 4-point Warband of Anglo-Danes under command of Earl Edward. Uffe borrow 4 points of my Vikings under command of Jarl Eirik...
After a unconclusive fight with the Normans in Kent, Jarl Eirik thought there was easier pray along the river Thames...
The newly appointed Earl Edward gathered he´s small Anglo-Danish warband to meet the Viking threat...
Just as Jarl Eirik and he´s hungry warriors would start a blowout of the poor sheepherd Scur´s sheeps, Earl Edward arrived to save the day...
Both warbands lined up for a fight...
Earl Edward right away showed he´s inexperience by filed he´s warband in a very disperse formation...or was it a cunning plan...
Jarl Eirik arranged he´s warriors in a more shield wall like formation with he´s flanks protected by a stone wall and a forest...
One again Earl Edward made a move that helped the moving he´s warband closer to them...instead of let he´s fatigue SAGA abilitys make some work for him...
Jarl Eirik exploit the opportunity and sends he´s Hirdmen to slaughter the poor Bow armed Geburs...
The Geburs put up a real fight and manages to slay 3 of the Hirdmen to the cost of 8 Gerubs...they retreat...
At the same time, charges Earl Edward supported by he´s Ceorls one of the Bondi units...AND one of the Housecarl units charges the other Bondi unit that have been hiding in the forests...
Conclution...focus on one fight each turn... Boths Bondi unit put up a real fight slaying all Houscarls and several of the Ceorls...
The Viking follow-up theirs victorys by sending the Bondis in to the remains of the Ceorls that didn´t get help from Earl Edward this time...
The Bearserkers ruched forward and engaded the second Houscarl become a blodbath...just leaving one of the Bersergkers standing in the end...
Earl Edward started to look rather desperat as most of he´s warband had been slain...just some Geburs left...and they dosen´t realy count...
Earl Edward decided to chalange Jarl Eirik on personal he charged the Viking worlord...just to find himself on the ground with a furious viking demanding he´s surrender...
Jarl Eirik raised he´s ax in the sky signaling he´s victory...and that the blowout of the poor sheepherd Scur´s sheeps could start...
Both players seen to like SAGA as they at once wanted to play one more game:)
5 hours ago
Great looking game and enjoyable battle report
ReplyDeleteGreat report!
ReplyDeleteExcellent looking game!!