Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Can´t have to many...Swedish Allmoge soldiers...

Indeed you can never have to many Swedish Allmoge soldiers in your 15th century collection...so I have painted me 23 more of them...

Perry European Armies and in the back a unknown...

Perry Plastic WotR Archers, under command of a Bow armed Swedish Knight...


  1. Great work, Michael! Tough looking fellows, every one. I would not recommend having them over for drinks.

    1. Thanks Monty! ...might be wise as they like drinking alot, so much that they on several historical account had a party after a victory but the eveil enemy returned with a force and caght them all drunken and a easy prey... like in the Town Köping 26 april 1521 when the Swedish allmoge force was drunk after victoru and then was attacked by the Danes all during the Swedish War of Liberation 1521-23.

      Best regards Michael

  2. Well done again! These are some pretty well painted Allmoge soldiers.

  3. They do look lovely..... nice!

  4. Nice shading, good color selection, crisp brushwork.

  5. I second that, lovely bunch of Swedish peasant wildcats! I believe wargamers are allowed one or two "never ending" projects in their collections. Projects which they'll build on for their entire life and never really feel done about. Seems you've made your choice, so keep them coming :0)

  6. They are really looking good Michael!


  7. The more allmoge the merrier! Great job on these.

  8. A nice mix of 15th C. figures - all excellently painted too, of course.

  9. Another great addition to the excellent Kalmar Union project.

    Isn't it time we had another game of this by the way? It's been a while now since the last one.

    1. Appreciated Jonas !

      Indeed it is time, when I based these up I plan to run a 650 year anniversary game of the Battle at Haraker church that took place during the early summer of 1464.

      Best regards Michael

  10. Very nice work. A great lot of warriors!

  11. Thank you all very much for your support ! Very Appreciated !!!

    Best regards Michael


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