As you sure know by now I had a artikle in Wargames Soldiers and Strategy Issue 85 about Draugar i.e. Viking Zombies. I also included some scenarios revolving around the 7 viking heroes that come to the aid of the old King and to help him out with his Draugar problem;)
Anyway the scenarios was for the new rules Blood Eagle, but as my 7 year old son David are more in to the Lion Rampant rules engine we also played a Draugar game using the Dragon Rampant rules.
The background for our scenario was simple; the Draugrdrottin a.k.a. Odin and his hoard of Draugar and Ravens was attacking the settlement and the 7 Viking heroes dicided that it was berst to have the king out of the way by the ship.
Special Rules: As the King are so old he is considered to be at half unit strenght and also only move at half pace, i.e 3"
All units on the Viking side are considered single figure units. As they are Heroes and a King they all will get a chance to be activated each turn, even if any of the others fail their activation.
Victory: For the 7 Viking Heroes to win they had to get the King on the ship and away from the coast line. The Draugar has to stop this by attacking the king in close combat and defeat him.
OOB - Vikings (David)
Jarl Ragnvald - Elite Foot with Mystical Armour @ 8 points
Sigvard - Elite Foot with permanent (no roll) Blessed Weapon @ 8 points
Ingvar - Elite Foot with with Missiles @ 8 points
Ragnfast - Elite Foot with with Missiles @ 8 points
Estrid - Scouts with Were Creatures (Wolf) @ 7 points
Gyrid - Scouts @ 2 points
Alexios the Priest - Scouts with Cleric @ 6 points
King Emund the Old - Elite Foot at half strenght @ 3 points
OOB Draugar (Michael)
Draugdrottin - Heavy Rider with Fear and Mystical Armour @ 8 points
6 units of Draugar - Bellicse Foot with Undead: No Feelings @ 4 points each
3 units of Ravens - Lesser Warbeast with Flying @ 6 points each
All was calm in the Kings settlement...

The villagers was doing their daily work...

But... there was something in the air... the King and his 7 Viking Heroes came out from the longhouse, listening... was it Thor out driving his wagon making thunder ? Was it the gigant´s in the mountins throwing rocks on each other ?
NO... its the Ravens of Odin, houndreds of them, searching for blood...
...but that was not all...through out the forest the most hidious creatured revelad them selfs...the draugdrottind with his army of Draugar...again-walkers that serves the al mighty to get a new chanse to come to valhalla...
The Draugars and ravens was not long away from the settlement...
Jarl Ragnvald urged the Old King to run for the ship and save him selfs while the Jarl and his men would cover the retreat...
The King was not only old he was grumpy to and didn´t want to run as a covard...
Quit fast the Draugar was moving thorwards the settlement...
Jarl Ragnvald shouted to the Old King that them hi could kill him right away as Jarl Ragnvald didn´t have any use of an Dead King as hi wouldent be able to pay the Heroes...
Several other started to run for the ship...
With a deathening noice the big swarm of ravens reached the settlement...
Attack them !!! the Old King shouted as he started to run for safety at the ship...
Sigvard was not late to cut in to the Ravens with his daneaxe...
Sigvar really could handle his big axe and the first group of ravens was on the Run, but there was 2 more groups approaching...
The King had started to run...more slow walk...
Ragnfast, Estrid och Alexio the Priest took possition by the fence to start shooting at the Draugar when they come closer...
and they did...
The Draugdrottin was silently leading his hoard just pointing his spear Gugnir in the direction hi wanted his Draugar to advance...
...the Draugar adwanced rapidly, keen to show them self worthy to come to Valhalla...
On the other side more ravens had attacked Sigvard and Jarl Rgnafast and Ingvar ruched to his aid...
but Ingvar was not so keen to share the glory...
The first Draugar had come to the fence without taking to much lossed due to the shooting from the Viking Heroes...
The Draugar attacked Ragnfast...that didnt manage to stop them and was slain...
To avenge her fallen comrade Estrid charged in to the Draugar that just slain Ragnfast.
Estrid knew that if she was wounded she probadly would shapeshift in to a fearfull Wolf...
Estrid fought bravely but as she didnt manage to shapeshift she was an easy prey for the draugar...
Now even more draugar units had reached the fence and was on their way in to the yard...
Still it was time to save the old King...
...but he was moving really slow...

Some of the Draugar had been directed on the other side of the Longhouse to follow up the approach of the Ravens that now was all slain...
The villages was screaming in fear as the draugar approached...
Ingvar charged the approaching Draugar with one axe in each hand creating hawoc...
The Draugdrottin commanded more of his Draugar to advance and slay all in their way...
The Old King had at last managed to reach the dock...
As the Draugar hoard closed in there was just 5 of the 7 Vikings Heroes left...
Some of the settlements children tried to put up a fight...
Jarl Ragnvald closing in to support his friend Ingvar
Sigvard that had slain may draugar with his mighty axe was so tired so he couldent fend the draugar of... he was slain while trying to retreat to his frends...
Also the Prieas Alexios had a had time to fend him self with holy whater and prayers from the frenzied draugar...
Alexios the Priest was also slain...
Leaving just Jarl Ragnvald, Ingvar and Gyrid...
The Draugdrottin commanded his forces to finish the last vikings of and kill the Old king for his betrayal to the Norse gods...
The remaining 3 viking heroes tried to catch up with the Old king that was by the ship...
...the Old king was in the ship that would take him to a safe haven..but should he await the remaining heroes... if luckey he might not have to pay them at all...
Sigvard was cought by the Draugar and Slain when he heroicly covered the retreat of Jarl Ragnvald and Gyrid
Jarl Ragnvald and Gyrid made it to the ship in the last minute... the ship left the harbour they both managed to jump up on it to the disapointment of the Old King...
The draugar ruched the harbour in a last atempt to catch the people on the ship...
...Screaming for blood...
The Draugdrotting watched the ship sail away with the Old King...
The Old King was pleased to have escaped a dishonourable death this time, but he knew that the Draugdrotting would not stop hunting him until he had turned away from the "Vite Krist" (White Christ) and showed that he returned to the belives of the Old Norse God with a Blot.
This was a very nice game and David was pleased thet he had managed to save the Old King and 2 of the 7 Viking Heroes. Dragon Rampant work very nice especially with the possibility of Singel miniature units that make it easy to get some true heros on the battle field.