Monday, February 8, 2021

Swedish Allmoge Soldiers Ambush Landsknechts by Albin

Today some stunning pictures of my fellow dalecarlian miniature painter Albin´s diorama of  Swedish Allmoge Militia ambushing a group of Landsknechts in Danish service.

The Swedes are mainly made out of Perry plastic WOTR and ACW minis and the Landsknechts from Steelfist and Warlord.

Thanks Albin for leting me post your pictures of  your exellent work.


  1. Spectacular and gorgeous pictures, truly inspired!!

  2. Those pics are great Michael, thanks for sharing:)

  3. Welcome back and thanks for the great photos.

  4. Stunning work indeed, thanks for sharing. Hope all is well with you and yours.

  5. This is a well presented and intensely interesting diorama. Thank you for sharing it. Can you tell us a little more about the background of what's being presented, please? And perhaps why ACW figures were useful?

    It's been a pleasure to view this over breakfast this morning


    1. Hi Stephen hope you had a good breakfast.

      ACW minis with long trousers, Swedish pesants had wide trousers not thight ones that most WOTR minis have.

      Ill guess Albin wanted to depict a generic Swedish Allmoge Ambush against Danish employed Landsknechts, during 1450 to 1525ish there was numerous occations where Danish emploied mercenaries walked in to forest ambushed here in Sweden.

  6. I saw these and recalled our online chat about converting ACW minis. They look very convincing! It's a superb diorama.

  7. I saw this posted on Facebook earlier. And they look great. Wouldn't mind seeing your Swedish Allmoge being paraded out in a game or too again.

  8. Spectacular work on those really nice. Look forward to. Ore updates mate.

    French Wargame Holidays


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