3 hours ago
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Lithuanian and Polish army lists
As I could not find any army lists for the Lithuanians or the Polish during the 13th century I have made my own. They haven´t been tested yet but I hope to get a chanse to use them as soon as my re-basing are done...
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It is good to see the list for the Polish. I have been keen on building a medieval Polish army for some time now. Looks good.
Hi Chad
ReplyDeletePleas let me know if you try it out and have any feedback.
Best regards Dalauppror
Well, slingers in Polish army are almost certainly out of question. Sling was never popular weapon here and wasn't used at all. I can't even remember any book mentioning it in this era in Poland. More bows instead or some armed with javelins. Certainly more peasant armed with axes. Large part of domestic force fightning with any invaders were peasants axed armed mobs. Some foot soldiers fought with axes too. Hungarian or Cuman are not really valid too IMHO. Some part of Polish Nobles may be actually knights from Czech or Germany or even knightly orders (Templars, Teutonic Order, Joannites).
ReplyDeleteHi Inkub
ReplyDeleteThanks for perfect feedback ! My armylist are based on the DBM and FoG ones, so if they got slingers I got slinges…but based on you coment they havet to go:) and I have to paint some more Archers…
I defenetly will put in some pesant mobs. The foot soldiers, would they clasify as city militia or can I put all foot infantry (pesents and foot soldiers) with the same stats? If I lose the Hungarian/Cuman would there be any other Light Horses?
Thanks for your help!
Best regards Dalauppror
Foot soldiers...They were part of prince's retinue (it is a period of Poland being parted in many independent and semi-independent princedoms mainly (1138-1320)with Wladislav The Short being crowned as a king in 1320). As I don't know how Impetus classifies such unit, short description. Armed and armored by prince, stationing in cities and castles, not nobles of course. Peasants were much inferior as they were just ordinary folk armed to repel invaders, they weren't part of any army "going abroad";). Light Horse - certainly, large part of Polish cavalry from this period can be classified as such - Knights have had sergeants etc. I will check some sources at home and will try to pull more coherent list, just give me a week.
ReplyDeleteAnd one more thing - there was no such a thing like Polish army from this period per se - there were many armies of various princedoms, some notably different. Many eastern princedoms were influented by eastern neighbours, western were influenced by Germans or Czechs. And don;t forget Knightly Orders (Teutonic Knights for example were actively fightning with Prussians on behalv of Condrad of Mazovia).
Thanks Inkub !!!
ReplyDeleteLooking Forward to some mor info. I understand that there was differences between the princedoms, but I would realy like the list to be as generic as possible, I hope that we will reach a good army list for the period:)
About the teutons I thought to have them as a Ally list and use the one that are in the Impetus rulebook. If you get the chans please try out Impetus, I relay like the rules more and more.
Best regards Dalauppror