This time we played on a 120x180mm table.
I used a different Break point system: add the Hits for all troops in the army divide by 2 and you got the armys Break point, if you lose as many points worth of untis the army breake and they lost the battle... units that get shaken count as half the points lost as long as they stay shaken. I hope you got it...
OOB for Battle at Älgsundet...
The Rebell force
1st Battle under command of the Archbishop Jöns Bengtsson from the house of Oxenstierna.
1 Small Unit of Knights
2 Units of Allmoge
2nd Battle under command of Erik Axelsson from the house of Tott.
2 Units of Allmoge
Breake Point 4+6+6+6+6/2=14
The Kings forces
1st Battle under command of the King Karl Knutsson from the house of Bonde
2 Small unit of Mounted Knechts
1 Small unit of Mercenary Handgunners
2nd Battle under command of Erik Eriksson from the house of Gyllenstierna
2 Unit of Allmoge
1 Small unit of Mercenary Handgunners
Breake Point 4+4+4+6+6+4/2=14
Set-up...The Kings men, to the right, started in their camp. They was just awaken by the nightguards, and got to recive 2 successfull orders to get ready for the battle and for a proper battleline...
The Rebels started of board and was allowed to enter on their first turn...
The Kings men have just ruched out of theirs tent, starting to assemble for battle...
The inhabitans of the nearby farm started to move there livestock to saftey in the forest...
Just the rebel generals was placed on the Table at first...
The Rebells start to move out of the forest and up on the battlefield to come... the Knights seem to have problem in the forest as they didn´t manage to enter the field...
The King and he´s commanders had without any problem managed to rally theirs forces and form a battle line with the Mounted knecht to the right and the Allmoge to the left and both flanks covered by mercenary handgunners...
The poor farmers prepare to defend their property and to move the family members to saftey...
The Kings battle line...
The Archbishop leads from the rear of 2 units of allmoge soldiers...
The Kings battle line advance up to the Fence and awaited the rebells...
The Archbishop was so eager to see blood that he incautious advanced with he´s allmoge soldiers to confront the Kings Knechts...leaving all support behind...
The King didn´t want to lose this chance and ordered he´s Knecht to CHARGE !!!
It become a hard fight with several casualtys on both sides...but the Archbishops troops manage to resist the Cavalry charge and come out on top...
The Archbishop had taken a chanse and was struggleing to keep the initiative in the battle... desperatly awaiting to be supported by he´s knights and more allmoge units...
The King was trying to get he´s Knecht back in to the fight...not wanting to commit he´s allmoge units just yet...
The Archbishops troops managed to brake one of the Kings Knecht units...and the Knights managed to move up just in front of the Handgunners...
The Archbishop wanted to order he´s Knights to make a hedlong charge on the Handgunners...but failed so they had to recive some more shooting...
The Rebells 2nd battle managed to, at last, make a swift advance to protect the Archbishops exposed flank...
The commander of the rebells 2nd battle ordered a fullout attack, and lead he´s allmoge warriors in a ferocious charge!!!
Hard fought combat in the center...
The Archbishops allmoge units managed by crossbow fire brake the 2nd Knecht unit...
At the same time the Knights slaughter the Kings handgunners...
Several rounds of combat did take it´s toll on the involved units...One of the Rebell allmoge units did breake by the hard pressure from The kings allmoge units...
The Rebells had lost 1 allmoge unit worth 6 breake points and the knights was Shaken, totaling up to 8 lost break points.
The King had so far lost 3 small units worth 12 break points, if any of the remaing unist would be shaken och break he would lose the battle...
In what would become to be the last round, the fight in the center ended in yet one more of the Kings allmoge units become shaken... Totaling the Kings break points to 15!
This leading to the Kings forces to break of the battle and retreat...the king managed to escape with some of he´s loyal knights and made it to the Capital Stockholm, he htought he´s cause was lost, so he took the royal treasury and fleed to exile in Danzig...
But he would be back...
Good battle report, good scenery and figures. The Archbishop was lucky against the knights?
ReplyDeleteSorry if I wan´t cleare in my AAR but the Archbishop was the one that had the Knight unit...but he didn´t do much with them...just chasing of some handgunners...
Best regards dalauppror
thanks for the report. I have had these rules since they came out and your reports and really getting me closer to playing them!
ReplyDeleteThanks Shaun
ReplyDelete...haven´t played them yet... you got to try them out... Hail Caesar and Black Powder are absolutely my favourite rules at them moment:)
Best regards Dalauppror
Nice report and board!
Good looking game well done!
ReplyDeleteThanks !!
ReplyDeleteGlad you like my games and AAR:)
Best regards Dalauppror
Great report Dalauppror and very nice photos of your troops and terrain. Thanks for that.
ReplyDeleteGood action report,as allways.
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff - I like the unpredictable nature of HC
ReplyDeleteHi Stephen
ReplyDeleteGlad you like the AAR :)
HC are indeed unpredictable, not every ones cup of the, but I like it a lot.
Best regards dalauppror
Very nice battle report. The models and terrain elements are of very great quality.
ReplyDeleteA very nice battle report indeed! Well done.