This will be 2 short AAR of the latest battles in our SAGA Campaingn, game #8 and #9
Last time a large norman force defeated a allied Viking/Anglo-Danish force. The Norman have now split their force in two to be able to pursue both the Vikings and the Anglo-Danes...They shoulden´t have...
Game #8 Normans vs. Vikings (Sacred Ground Scenario)
The Normans under command of Comes Rollo catched up Jarl Eiriks warband of Vikings by the coast, just as they was going to move for easyer prey... BUT then the incautious Normans appered the Vikings decided to give battle...
Jarle Eirik deployed most of he´s warband in 2 large groups, one Bondi and one Hirdmen, keeping only the Berserkers and a small group of Bondis as reserve...
Comes Rollo immediately discovered that the Vikings left flank would be vulnerable and sent 2 units to flank the Viking line...
Jarl Eirik was eager to get hold of the good ground and ruched he´s warband forward...
On the Vikings Right flank the large groupe of Bondis captured the wood and intimidate the Norman Sergenats...
The main struggle was around the central hill...The Viking Hirdmen first captured the high ground but was soon sweept away by the Norman Flanking force...
In a fierce Battle Jarl Eirik and the berserkers fighted their way to the top of the hill...There they found Comes Rollo in a exposed situation...the berserkers slaughtered him:)
By the loss of their Warlord the Normans didn´t have much to put up and regarded the battle as lost...retreating from the field...
Game #9 Normans vs. Anglo-Danish (Clach of Warlords Scenario)
Duc Willhelm and hi´s Normans chose to follow the retreating force of Earl Edward "the Doubtful". The mounted Normans soon got up to the retreating Anglo-Danes...Earl Edward was forced to give battle...
Earl Edward decided to try out a new approach and deploy hes warband in a extreamly defensive position and divide he´s warband in several very small groups...he might not do that again...
Duc Willhelm used a more direct tactic...
Although the Normans planed to get in there and fight it out it took them a very long time to get there...hinder by Anglo-Danish intimidation and Trapped...
Finally they managed to get a unit of Knights in combat with the screaning Geburs...
The levy archers put up a real fight, supported by some SAGA abillitys they managed to survive, at least a few of them...
The exhausted Norman Knights retreated and two of them fell from their saddles... thanks to the Anglo-Danish Exhaustion Abillity :)
In the center a group of Mounted Norman Sergeants started to harass the Anglo-Danish Ceorls...
The Normans continued to press the Anglo-Danes hard but losing even more Knights to the Exhaustion...
By night fall the 2 forces both withdrew but it was still a minor victory for the Normans...
15 hours ago
Looks like some fun games, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMight be able to put the Photoshop file of the map up at our clubforum for download, will look in to that.
Campaign system... Sorry to say BUT we don´t have any...We just started out with my map and a short background story that I wrote, you can find here:
The only "rule" we use are that each fraction to start with have 8 territorys, the winner in a game can claim one of the loosers territorys...
Then we have made the storys/sagas up as we go, It have become easyer after a few games then the participants start to "think" in their role of the Warlord they named:)
I didn´t want to have a cumbersome campaign system there you might become dependent of that certain players was attending to the games...
now we have a lose, flowing, framwork that we can tell ours Sagas within, and if a player can´t attend to a game or two it dosen´t realy matter for the advance of the campaign...
Best regards Dalauppror
Geaux Vikings!
ReplyDeleteComes Rollo's brother here. I just want to say that both battle was actually won by the Normans!
ReplyDeleteIn the first battle we started with destroying the maighty viking Hird on the left and then the surviving Vikings just run and hide in the woods on the right, so we thought that the battle was over.
We rode home to party. We had a lot of win and nice girls to party with. In the middle of the party we discovered that Rollo was missing. No problem we said, he is just somewhere drunk, sleeping with some nice anglo-saxon girl.
So you can understand our surprise when we discovered that Rollo had actually died in the battle and had not taken part in the party.
And the worst part was that the viking was parading his head on a stick claiming victory! Revenge will be sweet-and-sour.
Nice story Bjorn:)
ReplyDeleteComes Rollo realy didn´t die...just badly wounded... You can get him back if you pay us a big sack of silver:)
Perfeckt backgrund for a game an a first try of the escort scenario...Normans transporting 3 waggons with ransom stuff to jarl Eirik as payment for Comes Rollo, BUT they are attacked by....?
Best Regards Dalauppror AKA Jarl Eirik