This was our first 6 point game, between Jarl Eirik and hes nemisis Earl Edward up in the northern part of Essex.
We used the Sacred ground scenario, there you get victory points by the end of each enemy turn for every own warband member that are in any of the 3 terrain piece...
Jarl Eirik had rowed up a small river to attack Earl Edwards land, ofcours was the Earl alerted and he gathered a Warband to meet the Vikings on the field of battle...
The Vikings disembarked their Long Ships and waded ashore, confident of victory as the Earl had been beaten by them twice in the past...
Jarl Eirik deployed he´s warband in a shieldwall with he´s best fighters on the left aiming to seize the forest to the left and the Hill in the center of the field, but ignore the marsh to the right, at least to start with...
As usual Earl Edward "the Doubtful" scattered he´s warband all around with no cleare intention...or did he cunningly hide he´s real plan...
Jarl Eirik immediately took the initiativ and saw a opportunety to get a advanatage... With the help of Njord he managed to ruch he´s warband and claim the Forest to the left and the Hill in the center without he´s warriors get to wear out...
The Anglo-Danish apperently was chocked by the swift Viking advance as they started to warily move an mass...
The Large group of Anglo-Danish Housecarls with Daneaxes had just made their first move towards the hill, with the clear intention to attack the Viking Bondis uponit...BUT...Jarl Eirik had other plans for them...
As lightning from a clear sky the Berserkers made al realy long move and charged the Housecarls and started to slaugther them...after a round of combat, 6 Housecarls was slain and only 2 of the berserkers:)
Earl Edward "the Doubtful" coulden´t belive he´s eyes then he saw the 2 remaining Housecarls run for their lifes...
How was it possible for the Berserkers to make 3 moves and still not let the opponent get any fatigue to exploit...
The battle board was loaded with good stuff... Njord to remowe the fatigue they got after their 2nd activation...Frigg to to remowe the fatigue they got after their 3rd activation and Ullr to get re-rolls on the 17 attack dice...
...and as the Berserkers attacked them in the "side" not even all of the Houscarls could contribute to the fighting...but they can still be slain;)
After the loss of the main part of he´s Houscarls Earl Edward "the Doubtful" lost some of he´s fighting spirit...But he tryed to repaire the damage by sending he´s remaining 2 small groups of Housecarls forward...
The Housecarls on the Anglo-Danish Right flank meet up with 2 groups with 6 Hirdmen...the Housecarls put up a stoic fight forcing the Hirdmen to withdraw...
The Anglo-Danish levy had tryed to chase away the Bondis on the hill with archery but to no vain... so the Earl sent them forward to support the Houscarl attack and at least claime some victory of the hill...
As usual Earl Edward "the Doubtful" wanted to lead the last desperate attack from the front...
The Earl and he´s last Houscarls cleared the hill from Viking Bondis...but to the cost of all Housecarls...
The Earl was all alone on the hilltop waiting for the Viking vengeance...
Supported by a singel Hirdmen and a loaded battleboard Jarl Eirik Charged the hillside and engaged Earl Edward in a last struggle...
Jarle Eirik had defeated Earl Edward "the Doubtful" in personal combat before...and this time was no exception...
Once again Jarl Eirik spared the earls life and demanded him to take an oath of support in the upcoming battle with a large Norman Force...But that is another story...
This was a realy nice game, as Lasse starts to learn to use the battleboard in a very good way for him...not for me;)
The game was realy over by turn 3 as the main objective was to claim Victory points by havin warriors in the terrain areas.
I managed to get several of them in there in turm one which gtranted me about 10 VP in the end of every Anglo-danish turn...
So by turn 3 I had 30 VP and the Anglo-Danish 0 VP...and Lasse also got he´s best Housecarls obliterated by the mighty Berserkers:)
3 hours ago
Great looking game and lovely photos.
ReplyDeleteGreat game, love the campaign development and the swearing of allegiance at the end - very historical! Great to see your dragonships in action too :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat report as always.
Great report! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks !
ReplyDeleteI´m not sure if Earl Edward will keep he´s allegiance to Jatl Eirik...he´s a treacherous man...more about thet in the next AAR that i´m working on...
Best regards dalauppror
Seeing your miniatures (fantastic painting job!!) I´m seriuosly beeing tempted to paint some Dark Age miniatures and buy SAGA.