Some weeka ago
Jonas set up a couple of Fantasy games for us using the
Song of Blades and Heroes rules. As it was some time ago I don+t really remeber what happend but I at least have a bunch of pictures from the two games we played during an very nice wargaming evening.
We added the reaction rules from some of Andreas Sfiligoi´s later rules, in short if an minit fails any of its activation dice the one of the opponents minis may try to make an reaction activation with as many dice as the opponent failed, after that the active player continues his turn. Worked really good and give a more fluid game.
The first game
The objective was that we both should locate some kind of ancient treasure...
I used my force of Fantasy Crusaders and Jonas had a force of Wildling even with a shaman.
Crusader Hero and Leader
Wildling Hero and Leader..or if it was the Shaman that was the tru leader...or his wife...
Everyone ruched for the different treasure location, but the ones that draw the longest straw was one of the Crusader crossbowmen, the one in the lower corner of the picture
To cover his escape with the tresaure two stoic billmen engage a mounted wildling.
and the two leaders settled their scores in the center...
The wildling leader was so weak that he had to get reinforcements...
More monuted wildlings engaded and tried to get by to catch the fleeing crossbowmen with the tresaure, but he managed to escape and bring the Crusaders a victory :)
Second Game
Second game was an escort mission there the Crusaders should cross the area and escape by the bridge with the pack horse that contained the tresaure erlier won.
The Crusader force was the same but the Wildlings had more mounted men this time and alos got to divide his force to be able to ambush from two sides...
The Wildlings was fast moving against the crusaders, and the Crusader leader and his squire rode out to approach them... the infantry and the treashure could take another rout...
Wildlings on small ponys was no match for a Crusader Knight on a true warhorse...
But the wildling ponys are fast som they soon had engaged the infantry...
...and snatched the packhorse...
The Crusader leader tried to catch-up...
Fast moving with the pack horse leaving all Wildlings behng and seeing the bridge and safety close by...
But as victory was so neare...two wildlings manage to intercept and engage the Heroic crusader slaying him...
The Wildlings grab the pack horse once again and the Crusader squire tries in vain to stop him...
The Wildlings manage to escape with the Crusaders packhorse and tresure...
Two very nice and fun game, first one was a little bit cimbersome as we had to look in the rules quite much but for the second one all the basics was in place and the game was really fast paced.