In the absence of Earl Loifric the poor Earl Edward "the Douptful" have been chased around half of Brittain, loosing battle after battle both against Vikings and Normans...
It was time for a real Anglo-Danish hero to enter our SAGA of 1067...Earl Ethelstone :)
To cover the retreat of the fleeing Earl Edward "the Douptful", a small part of Earl Ethelstones warband made a stoic battle against the pursuing Normans...
Dux Willhelm deployed he´s Knights in 2 medium sized units an used a bunch of pesants to cover their right flank...
Earl Ethelstone planed to anchor he´s right flank against the enclosed field and adopt a defensive posture with the main part of he´s warband, only sending a small part of he´s Housecarls to secure the forest to the left...
The Anglo-Danes started to deal some Fatigue during the Norman advance:) and sent the detached housecarls moving against the forest...
Tha Norman respons was a swift move and then a galopp that realy was a charge at the poor and innocent housecarls that was sent out to choop some wood and norman pesants...
But as Earl Ethelstone had foresee this move and had a cunning plan, he had loaded up the battleboard quite well...
The combat ended in a Norman disaster:)
4 Norman Knights was slain to the cost of only 2 Housecarls (re-rolls on saves can be quite handy)...
The normans was also exhausted...and to Dux Willhelms greate agony the 2 remaining Norman Knights fell dead from their saddles thanks to the Danglo-Danish Exhausted saga ability...
Earl Ethelstone smiled a little in spite as the Normans had almost to easily been lured in to the trapp:)
Dux Willhelm was devastated and in a moment of rage he, without support, charged the 2 remaining Housecarls, to avenge he´s knights...
Dux Willhelm used the DEX AÏE saga ability, giving hem double attack dice, in total 10 AND re-roll on all misses, the Housecarls had meet their overman...
The Housecarls had some esses up their sleeve to...and then the doust clered Dux Willhelm had slin them both BUT they had managed to overthrow him to, the last that was seen of Dux Willhelm that day was them he badly hurt and on foot crawl to hide in the forest...
With the loss of their Warlord the Normans retreated from the field and Earl Ethelstone and Earl Edward "the Douptful" could celebrate the resurrection of Anglo-Danish domination one again...
Now they just had to wait for the arrival of Earl Leofric and they would be ready to clear Brittain from invaders...
This was a short but very nice least for me that used my Anglo-Danish warband for the first time... They are realy good if used in the right defensive way, and let the enemy come to you...It will be nice to try them out in a more offensive way, like you need to play in the "Sacred Ground" scenario.
1 hour ago
Nice looking pictures and report.
Great AAR. It gives a good account of the battle and some insights to the SAGA system and possible tactics.