Here are a some pictures from one of our playtest games of The Pikeman´s Lament rules during the Scanian War 1675-1679. This time we run a capture the cattle rustles mission or a Scanian War Hot Trodd mission;)
The Danish Captain Niels Andersen and his freeshooters have been out on a night raid and rustled some cattle and a Swedish mounted Company are in hot pursuit of course with the Swedish "hero" Ensign Nils Skytte in command, yes he have been demoted sins last time as he had to be ransomed back...
OOB Swedish
Officer: Ensign Nils Skytte, he are an Officer and a Gentleman in fancy clothes that the ladies really love even if hi is a military misfit...
3 Agressive Gallopers @ 4 points each
3 Dragoons @ 4 points each
OOB - Danish
Officer: Captain Niels Andersen, he are a Hothead and have a hard time with superiors - he have been demoted several times, but his freeshoter company loves that he cares for them and lead from the front.
2 Trotters @ 4 points each
3 Dragoons @ 4 points each
2 Commanded Shot @ 2 points each
The Danes had to cross the board to bring the rustled cows back to their safe haven. The Swedish was allowed to deploy 2 units in the middle of the table and the remaining company would arrive late from either long edge.
Swedish Dragoons guard the ford...
Captain Niels Andersen and his Freeshooter company on their way back from a good nights work...
...finds the ford guarded by some Swedish dragoons...
Danish Commanded Shot sent to cover the flank...
The Danes advance forward the ford and it also seems like the Danes have some local supporters as a group of Scanian Allmoge Shot arrive in support of them...
...in the early morning mist the Swedish reinforcements arrive in full gallop
The situation seems a bit hard pressed for the danes...
Swedish troops arrive from all around...
The Swedish dragoons advance forward the ford and start to shoot at the Danes...
Eager as they are one of the Swedish Gallopers are lured in to an ambuch by a group of Danish Commanded shot, those sneaky b...erds...
Ensign Skytte lead the remaining Gallopers forward the enemy...
The Danes concentrate all their effort to cross the ford and engage the Swedish Dragoons that are on guard...
The Swedish dragoons try to get away when the Danish Trotters engage them...
Seems like the way will be clered after all...the danes start to cross the ford...
Several units of Danish Trotters are clearing the way by hunting down the Swedish dragoons...
The Swedish Gallopers divide and one unit tries to cross the streat to get over and support the hard pressed Dragoons...
...but to late as the second unit of Dragoons on guard are routed by the Danish Trotters...
The Danes tries to speed up their advance as the way are now cleared...
...but a Swedish Galloper unit throw them selfs in to the fray to delay the Danes and let their comrades get a chanse to join in...
The Heroic Swedish gallopers manage to chase away the danish unit guarding the cattle...
...in the meantime the remaining Swedish units have retreated from the ambuch situation and are now trying to cross the streal...
...Counter attack by the Danes...
Ensign Skytte have at last crossed the stream without ruin his fancy clothes...
The heroic Gallopers that charged in to free the cattle have got stuck in a deadly fight...
...at last they manage to retreat...flee with some of the cattle, but lose controll of them in the forest...
The Danish freeshoters move quickley and manage to capture some of the cattle in the forest...
As Ensign Skytte move up to save the day his unit reciev a volly from the Danish Trotter that render in some casulties for the Swedes, amongst them Ensign Skytte that falls of his Horse to the ground...
The remaining Swedes flees the field of battle and the Danes can gather the cattle and bring them back home...
Yet another tense game of The Pikeman´s Lament. Must say that the rules start to give really good games most of the times and that the rules start to feel solid for the Pike and Shot era... More adventures during the Scanian war will follow as well as the answer to the big question...what happend to Ensign Skytte...
Excellent looking game Michael!
Cracking looking game and certainly full of action. My miniatures are now undercoated and hopefully will start painting this weekend...
ReplyDeleteLooks awesome Michael!
ReplyDeleteExcellent AAR Michael! The game was very tense as I recall it, and swung back and forth. I think we on the Danish side was very lucky to get away with the victory here!
ReplyDeleteSplendid game Michael, your tables really strike the right balance between ascetics and practicality. Nice to see a tense looking game with such a low figure count, bodes well for the rules.
ReplyDeleteA good report. And of course LÄNGE LEVE ÖSTDANMARK!!! :D
ReplyDeleteEven without any buildings your table looks superb!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant looking fun Michael.
ReplyDeleteGreat aar! Poor Swedes who have to live with Skytte as their officer. :-) /Mattias
ReplyDeleteAnother great-looking game!
ReplyDeleteExcellent as always!
ReplyDeleteGood read and eye candy as always Michael!
ReplyDeleteGreat I like !!!!! As always....